BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//The Gathering - Kilkenny - ECPv3.11.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:The Gathering - Kilkenny X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for The Gathering - Kilkenny BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130914T073000Z DTEND:20130914T170000Z DTSTAMP:20180417T211212Z CREATED:20130903T093019Z LAST-MODIFIED:20130903T093030Z SUMMARY:Jack and Jill Kilkenny Cycle DESCRIPTION:"Get on Yer Bike for Jack & Jill".\n\nA Jack & Jill Gathering - The Jack & Jill Children's Foundation Charity Cycle to Kilkenny takes place on Saturday 14th September 2013. We invite people the world over to gather and join us for our annual cycle to Kilkenny via the picturesque back roads along the 100km route -  indeed we have some participants from the UK\, Norway and Sweden joining us for this special year of The Gathering. This professionally marshalled cycle with 1 guide per 10 cyclists including back up and mechanical support vehicles provides a wonderful opportunity to get a taste of Ireland\, experience the hospitality and enjoy the views of the Irish open countryside\, with refreshments stops and lunch along the way. The cycle finishes up in the medieval city of Kilkenny for dinner and great craic at the 4 star Newpark Hotel. With overnight accommodation available at a special "Jack & Jill" rate in  Kilkenny and bus transfer for participants and bikes to Wicklow provided the next day\, Sunday 15th September - we've covered it all!  So come on\, dust down that bike.... and why not "take the challenge" to:\nachieve a personal goal\, enjoy a professionally organised cycle guaranteed to be  "wheelie" great fun\,  meet new friends (or bring along a group of existing ones\, work colleagues etc.) and at the same time help us to provide home nursing care to Jack & Jill children with brain damage in each community throughout Ireland who will never get an opportunity to get on their bikes! URL: LOCATION:Castlecomer Road\, Kilkenny\, Ireland CATEGORIES:Charitable event,Sporting Events END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR